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How to open up to your therapist

How to open up to your therapist

May 7, 2024

We all have parts of ourselves that we tend to hide or hold back - whether it's insecurities, past hurts, or difficult emotions. In everyday life, putting on a brave face or only showing our best selves can help us get by.

But in therapy, that instinct to self-protect and withhold can actually get in the way of making real progress. You see, lasting transformation requires something more from us - the courage to let our guard down and open up about our most vulnerable truths and deepest struggles.

This is no easy task. Decades of learning to bury or numb out painful parts of ourselves make the idea of dragging all that rawness to light pretty scary. Shame, anger, sadness - it's understandable to want to avoid feeling those intense emotions.

Let the magic begin

Yet this act of opening up, as terrifying as it may feel, is exactly where therapy's magic happens. It's by peeling back the layers and bringing our darkest parts into the open that we finally get the chance to work through them in a profound way. Every part of you that gets suppressed, dissociated from, or warded off remains trapped in dysfunctional loops. Opening up provides the opportunity to re-integrate those parts and stop the cycles of wounding.

This isn't just about venting or rehashing stories. There's a powerful alchemy that occurs when you summon the vulnerability to let your fullest truth be witnessed and embraced with compassion, not judgment.

The more you peel back defenses and expose the rawness underneath, the more light and healing can flood in. Pieces of yourself once quarantined off or abandoned start getting welcomed back into wholeness.

Radical disclosure

Of course, this process of continually opening up around deeper layers of vulnerability can feel excruciating at times. But with each courageous unveiling, another part of your psyche breaks free from its rigid patterns and recodes itself.

It's about no longer abandoning or dividing off aspects of your humanity, but bringing it ALL out from hiding to be accepted, metabolized and reborn as something new.

While this radical disclosure will likely happen in fits and starts, revealing yourself more and more is the path to reuniting with your most authentic, undivided self. To belonging fully with no parts rejected or shamed into concealment.

This level of openness and transparency may always feel vulnerable. But it's also the gateway to the freedom, self-acceptance and aliveness you've been seeking. No more abandoning or performing - just the full flourishing of your imperfect, yet radiant, totality.

We all have parts of ourselves that we tend to hide or hold back - whether it's insecurities, past hurts, or difficult emotions. In everyday life, putting on a brave face or only showing our best selves can help us get by.

But in therapy, that instinct to self-protect and withhold can actually get in the way of making real progress. You see, lasting transformation requires something more from us - the courage to let our guard down and open up about our most vulnerable truths and deepest struggles.

This is no easy task. Decades of learning to bury or numb out painful parts of ourselves make the idea of dragging all that rawness to light pretty scary. Shame, anger, sadness - it's understandable to want to avoid feeling those intense emotions.

Let the magic begin

Yet this act of opening up, as terrifying as it may feel, is exactly where therapy's magic happens. It's by peeling back the layers and bringing our darkest parts into the open that we finally get the chance to work through them in a profound way. Every part of you that gets suppressed, dissociated from, or warded off remains trapped in dysfunctional loops. Opening up provides the opportunity to re-integrate those parts and stop the cycles of wounding.

This isn't just about venting or rehashing stories. There's a powerful alchemy that occurs when you summon the vulnerability to let your fullest truth be witnessed and embraced with compassion, not judgment.

The more you peel back defenses and expose the rawness underneath, the more light and healing can flood in. Pieces of yourself once quarantined off or abandoned start getting welcomed back into wholeness.

Radical disclosure

Of course, this process of continually opening up around deeper layers of vulnerability can feel excruciating at times. But with each courageous unveiling, another part of your psyche breaks free from its rigid patterns and recodes itself.

It's about no longer abandoning or dividing off aspects of your humanity, but bringing it ALL out from hiding to be accepted, metabolized and reborn as something new.

While this radical disclosure will likely happen in fits and starts, revealing yourself more and more is the path to reuniting with your most authentic, undivided self. To belonging fully with no parts rejected or shamed into concealment.

This level of openness and transparency may always feel vulnerable. But it's also the gateway to the freedom, self-acceptance and aliveness you've been seeking. No more abandoning or performing - just the full flourishing of your imperfect, yet radiant, totality.

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Advait Naik

Advait is the founder of Verba and works at the intersection of psychology, design and technology to create a product that can help humans be more self aware through clarity